For your safety, during the Coronavirus Pandemic, we offer telehealth visits, connecting you with your provider via your mobile phone (video visits), or home phone (telephone visits if video not available). We take most insurances and offer discounted sliding fees for uninsured based on income and family size.

Comprehensive Medical Care


Primary care for acute and chronic conditions delivered by licensed medical providers, including lab work, radiology, preventive care, specialty referrals and health education.

Pediatric Care


From birth through age 18, LACHC offers comprehensive care to children, from routine examinations and immunizations to advanced prevention and treatment of diseases.

Dental Care


We provide a full range of dental services, such as cleanings, x-rays, fillings, extractions, and full and partial dentures.



2000 prescriptions dispensed monthly through fully licensed in-house pharmacy in collaboration with the USC School of Pharmacy Clinical Pharmacy Program.

Mental Health Care

Mental Health

Licensed therapists and doctoral interns offer individual and group therapies and psychosocial rehab to treat depression, anxiety, trauma, psychosis, and other conditions.

Substance Abuse Treatment

Substance Abuse Treatment

Medical Assisted Treatment (MAT) and psychosocial rehab program including group and individual therapy.


Patients have access to a range of optometry care, including eye exams and treatment of various eye conditions, such as glaucoma. Prescription eyeglasses also are available.

Homeless and Community Outreach


Direct linkages to care and engagement with community partners for greater access and services through grassroots efforts including health fairs, and door-to-door outreach.

Street Medicine for Our Homeless Neighbors

Street Medicine

Multiple Teams of providers and nurses delivering care on E6 and C3 teams throughout Skid Row, SPA 7, and adjacent areas including on Metro Red Train.

Intensive Care Management

Intensive Care Management

Program prioritizing housing for un-housed clients.  A team of case managers execute ongoing support to keep patients supported, housed, and well.

Care Coordination

Care Coordination

Hands-on social services care including health education & management, food, transportation, benefits, housing, with direct linkages and follow-up.

Health Care Enrollment


Health insurance enrollment and education coverage, including MediCal, Medicare, Covered California, CHDP, My Health LA, and more.


Joshua House

Joshua House

325 E 7th St, Los Angeles, CA 90014

Medical, Dental, Mental Health,
Substance Use, Social Work and
Optometry Services

Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Holiday Closures
Pico Aliso Clinic

Pico Aliso Clinic

1625 E. 4th St, LA CA 90033

Medical, Dental, Mental Health,
Substance Use, Social Work and
Optometry Services

Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Holiday Closures


Midnight Mission

Midnight Mission

601 S. San Pedro St, LA CA 90014

Medical and Dental Services

Midnight Mission

Los Angeles Christian
Health Centers At Winston

311 Winston St., LA CA 90013

Medical and Dental Services

Call for Information

Exodus ICM

Exodus ICM
1920 Marengo St
LA, CA 90094

Mental Health Services

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Gateways Percy Village

Gateways Percy Village
3455 Percy St
LA, CA 90023

Medical and Dental Services

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Los Angeles Mission

Los Angeles Mission
303 E. 5th St
LA, CA 90017

Mental Health Services

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New Genesis Apartments

New Genesis Apartments
458 S. Main St
LA, CA 90013

Medical Services

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